Owen Superyacht Marketing.

The Oceans’ Best Address.

Marketing campaigns and strategy

Branding strategy and development

Websites and Digital

Media planning and buying

Collateral material

Yacht photography and video production

PR strategy

In the UK:

Longcroft Barn
Priors Leaze Lane
PO18 8RH
United Kingdom

t. 023 0248 6566

In the EU

Bel Air Gardens
Urb Bel Air
Calle Hinojo


SME’s. How Covid-19 has created a new opportunity

The pandemic has turned the business world on its head but created new opportunities for smaller enterprises, even ones that did not exist before. As marketing specialists, Owens are perfectly placed to support new growth through business agility and building goodwill from established businesses to new start-ups.

The next stage in the business recovery period will be through a recalibration process, adapting to new customer demands and service. For existing businesses this will require a new marketing and sales voice and a reset regarding the mix of marketing channels and customer conversations. In the marine market space, the sudden loss of boat shows in the last quarter brings this into sharp focus.

To expand further, the first stage is to action a new audit of comms channels and sales practices across all areas and shine a light on what has worked and what is underperforming. Then compare sales objectives to the audit and performance results likely to be achieved with your current comms mix. This will no doubt show a clear need to revisit your marketing strategy and discuss a new mix of tools.

New start-ups

As we said at the beginning, this Covid-19 era will be the primordial-soup that will bring interesting new business lifeforms into many different market sectors. A business idea will need a great deal of communications brilliance plus all the collateral materials to drive the new enterprise into hearts and minds. This will need a raft of comms support from branding, tone of voice and mission statements through to a website and all the collateral support from PR to social media powered by insightful content generation… all in a day’s work for the team at Owen Superyacht Marketing and the Owen Group.